manatee gif Welcome to clothing gif
A place to find all kinds of dolphins, whales, sharks, manatees, clothes, windchimes and more! dolphin gif
where you can get "a touch of the tropics right in your home!" If it's tropical, you'll find it here!


Ever go on vacation and forgot to go back to your favorite little shop and get that cute little figurine, dress or whatever; or (like me) didn't quite have enough cash to buy a souvenir for everyone? Or maybe it just got broke on your way home...

Well, that's why we're here. We've been selling tropical gifts in the midwest (of all places!) for over 4 years. Giving you and others that chance to pick up gifts, clothing and home decor that you usually can't find in your own home town and definitely not at "tourist" prices.

Surf on in to our "virtual" shop for all of your tropical needs (or cravings). We offer super varieties of tropical style clothing; clocks; sand sculptures; figurines; windchimes; jewelry; novelty items; gifts for children and more!

Let's Shop
Click here to shop!


Tell us what you think of our place, good and bad. (be honest....) We're always looking for ways to improve our site to serve you better, and who better to guide us than you!!!! (Oh, by the way, if you don't find what you're looking for here and it's related to the tropics, let us know what you want and we'll see if we can find it for you. We have friends all over and we don't mind putting them to work.

Bookmark this page so you can visit often -- 'cause like the tides -- we're always changing! (Be sure to refresh your browser so you'll get to see changes as they occur.)

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Shop Hawaii Anytime.....On-Line!
Now on their 5th year on the WWW!

P.O.Box 58
Kaunakakai,HI 96748
tel. 808-553-3718
FAX 808-553-3553



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